Why Choose HCL
  • Licensed Demolition Contractor in Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee and Virginia.
  • High aggregate bonding capacity and aggregate insurance coverage
  • Industry specific equipment to reclaim recyclable materials
  • OSHA and EPA Certified
  • Attention to Safety and Customer service
Industrial Demolition

Demolition is a term that is outdated at HCL. While we still end up at the same point when the process is over, reclaiming or recycling is a more proper term. We take excessive measures to make sure every part and piece of a building that can be reclaimed, are. We like to see old materials live on in other projects, not just end up in a landfill to rot away.

We are very meticulous in the planning that goes into the reclaiming of an industrial facility. The first step we take is identifying environmental hazards, ensuring public safety and protecting our team members from possibly dangerous situations. Next, we analyze the structure and facility to determine the most efficient way to reclaim it.

Once our analysis and planning is complete, we bring in our team and our equipment to begin salvaging the building.